Beginners Screenprinting
Beginners Screenprinting - Saturday 20th April, 10 - 4pm. A great introduction to screenprinting and to our equipment for open access. We will look at 2 methods of screenprinting.
Method 1 - We will show you how to prepare an image using hand cut paper stencils for printing through a blank screen.
Method 2 - We will create imagery using mark making and experimental drawing techniques with various materials on a film which will then be exposed onto a screen using photo sensitive emulsion and our exposure equipment. You will then print your exposed images to create a small edition of prints.
By the end of the day you will know how to prepare screens for exposure, the exposure process will be explained, the processes will be demonstrated and printing techniques shown and you will have two small editions of prints to take home.
For those with little or no experience of screen printing. Please bring some imagery that you could use as a starting point. This could be in the form of anything visual that inspires you to create a print.